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TyfloCentrum Brno, social enterprise

TyfloCentrum Brno, o.p.s.
Chaloupkova 7
612 00 BRNO
Czech Republic

Directress: Mrs. Hana Bubenickova

E-mail: info@tyflocentrumbrno.cz

TyfloCentrum Brno is a social enterprise, active in the regions of Brno and southern Moravia. It also delivers a number of its services in the Jihlava and Zlín regions. The main purpose of the company is to provide social services to visually impaired people, focusing mainly on social intervention services that promote independence of the visually impaired and facilitate their integration in society at large, and complementary social care services.

TyfloCentrum Brno is located in the Centre for Blind and Partially-Sighted people in Brno, a property of Czech Blind United. The building is used solely to provide services for the visually impaired and is situated in an easily accessible part of the city, in Královo Pole. TyfloCentrum also includes a Day-care centre open on weekdays.

  1. Assistant Services Operating Centre: provides personal guides, reading and assistant services to independently living visually impaired people (shopping, dealings at offices and authorities, etc.), both on occasional and regular basis;
  2. home-based social care services for visually impaired elderly people and people with limited mobility - information and counselling services, reading, additional rehabilitation in their homes;
  3. free social and industrial relations consultations for people with serious visual impairment living in Brno and the region of southern Moravia;
  4. socio-therapeutic services and training courses for people with serious visual impairment, accompanied by complementary forms of social rehabilitation, a programme for the unemployed;

Aids and IT Centre is another important department of the Day-care centre. It serves as a technical evaluation facility not just for the visually impaired, but also for people with other impairments, who need special computer access. In the centre, we provide:

  1. free advice on choosing information processing adaptive equipment (PC), demonstration of its operation, certification of equipment suitability for funding applications, for the visually impaired and people with other impairments in Brno, Jihlava and Zlín regions;
  2. preparatory, elementary and advanced user courses in using the adaptive technology , including internet courses;
  3. scanning and text editing services, braille and enlarged print, searching the internet;
  4. technical assistance and consultations in the field of ICT with special access for people with specific needs.
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